So, you recently got a new job offer out of state and have to sell your home quickly. Or, the kids moved out to go to school and you have far too much space and don’t know what to do with your home. When you are on a time crunch and want to try selling your home fast for market value, the right methods and approach will help you do just that. These are a few of the creative ways you can sell your house fast, when you are on a time restriction, and do not want to have to deal with the potential of paying two mortgage payments a month.
Use all of your resources
Online real estate MLS boards, Facebook, Twitter, social media, and other online sites are there specifically for these situations. The power of the internet, free listing boards, and social media, is more than enough to get wind behind your home, and help you sell it quickly. Upload video, images, connect with real estate experts, or individuals who recently sold their home. Using these sites, and working on as many of them as possible, will help you get the home sold in a fraction of the time it would take for you to sell it in the past.
1. Use Facebook to List the house for maximum exposure to buyers
Try…Here, you can create a business page and list your house for sale and blat the post out to all of your Facebook friend to gain valuable exposure to your market.
2. You can also use Craigslist to list the house for sale.
Try listing your house on Craigslist to see if any buyers that aren’t represented by agents want to make you an offer, cause if you can find a buyer that’s not represented by a realtor, then you can pocket the commission fees.
Make it modern
2. List it on, where many buyers begin their search online

Although the websites we just covered are all great places to list your house for sale by owner, many home owners begin their search looking for buyers themselves on Google, by using search terms like “we buy houses” or “need to sell my house fast”. Google typically returns results of companies that actually buy houses like we do over at
If the exterior is painted a dull white, with block out windows, the home doesn’t look too appealing. With no curb appeal, how are you going to drive buyers to the door? You have to update the home. From adding a few trees, to painting the front of the home, to updating the windows, and adding a porch swing, these things will go a long way in the home of the potential buyer. But, it does not stop on the outside; yes, curb appeal is important, but what happens when they get inside the home? If there are updates to be made, make them. From changing the counters in the kitchen, to removing dated flooring and carpets, to installing a new washer and dryer and appliances, all of these things will add value to your home. Not only will it sell faster with the right updates, but you are also going to realize a larger return on your investment, and will be able to sell the house for a higher profit margin, when you do update and have the home looking ready for the buyer to simply move in once they pay the purchase price.
Hire an agent
Sure, you want to avoid it, and the cost, but sometimes you can’t. When you hire the best agent, they know where to go, which boards to list your home on, and who the viable buyers are. They know how to list the property, how to give it the feel and vibe buyers are looking for, and how to accurately determine how much your home is truly worth and price it accordingly, so it sells faster. The right agent can make all the world of difference; so, if it has been sitting on the market for a few weeks with no reply, this might by the solution you are looking for, and tried to avoid early on in the selling process.
Signs, signs, signs
If you have a small for sale sign, located on the window, with the phone number written in a light color no one can see, how do you expect to get a response? Put up for sale signs, make them large and visible, and make them omnipresent so buyers know your home is the best one for them to buy in the local market. Add signs to the front and back of the home. Give them brochures so they can take home and view the property. People not only have to know the home is for sale, but should be given the information as to why they should buy it. So, make sure you have the right signs and brochures ready for open houses, so that you sell it faster. We’ve all seen those “we buy houses” signs on busy intersections, and the reason why you see them all over your city is because they work. Signage works, pretty or ugly, so use it.
You don’t have to do much, and it really doesn’t require all that much effort if you know where to go and how to improve the home’s appearance. These simple tips will not only help you sell it faster, but also receive the highest offer possible when you list your home for sale.
It Doesn’t Hurt To Pray
Paying is often looked at as a last resort by most people that find themselves in a difficult situation; but the truth is that prayer should be done at the beginning, middle and end of a difficult financial struggle. You see, a lot happens when we humble ourselves before our creator and pray. While asking Him to lead you and guide you in your decisions and to give you wisdom and true discernment in your choices as you use prayer to sell your house more quickly, you will be opening a line of communication between you and God that can truly yield magnificent results. But when you do end up getting your home sold, remember to give Him all of the Glory, because that’s what we are called to do.